Workshops and Dates
I started teaching in 1996 and met many nice, interesting people through my lessons and workshops. I teach workshop weekends all over Germany and the neighbouring countries. Twice a year Guido Plüschke and I offer the BodhranWeekends.
The BodhranWeekends serve as a nationwide meeting place for bodhran players of all levels and offer qualified lessons on the Irish frame drum. They were launched in 2002 and are the most successful workshop series in the field of "bodhrán" in Germany. Each BodhránWeekend is divided into courses for newcomers (total beginners), beginners, intermediate and advanced players and into the side programme. This consists of concerts and lectures on bodhrán-specific topics. The courses take place in well-kept and renowned seminar houses and include catering and overnight accommodation.
Also, together with Tom Keller, I started a series of workshops in Switzerland thats running since 2008.
A highlight for the last twenty years was the invitation to teach at the renowned BodhranSummerschool "Craiceann" on Inis Oirr, the smallest of the Aran Islands in Ireland.
If you don't want to miss a date, feel free to subscribe to the newsletter.
The next dates
BodhranWeekend Schweiz

Courses in four different levels for beginners with no prior knowledge, beginners, advanced beginners and advanced players. Concert, lecture, Tippermaker Stevie Moises will be on site, sessions.
The BodhranWeekends serve as a nationwide meeting place for bodhran players of all levels and offer qualified lessons on the Irish frame drum. All classes are mainly in German.
BodhranWeekend Online
BodhranWeekend Proitzer Mühle

Courses in four different levels for beginners with no prior knowledge, beginners, advanced beginners and advanced players. Concert, lecture, Tippermaker Stevie Moises will be on site, sessions.
The BodhranWeekends serve as a nationwide meeting place for bodhran players of all levels and offer qualified lessons on the Irish frame drum. All classes are mainly in German.